Our institution is committed to fostering an environment of academic integrity and ethical conduct. This policy outlines the expectations, principles, and consequences related to academic integrity for all members of our academic community.
Principles of Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is founded on the following principles:
- Honesty in all academic endeavors
- Trust between students and faculty
- Fairness in evaluation and grading
- Respect for intellectual property and original ideas
- Responsibility for one's own actions and work
Violations of Academic Integrity
Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:
- Plagiarism: Using someone else's work without proper attribution
- Cheating: Unauthorized assistance on exams or assignments
- Fabrication: Falsifying data or information
- Multiple Submissions: Submitting the same work for multiple courses without permission
- Unauthorized Collaboration: Working with others when individual work is required
Consequences of Violations
Violations of academic integrity may result in:
- Failing grade on the assignment or exam
- Failing grade for the course
- Suspension or expulsion from the institution
- Revocation of degrees or academic awards
The severity of the consequence will depend on the nature and extent of the violation, as well as any prior offenses.